Labor Day, school days, cool autumn days. Well, two out of three isn’t bad.
Shirley had been here before. She asked if she could stay a month while waiting on the final arrangements for an apartment in Jacksonville, Texas. She arrived a day or two before Jesse left. And when she saw the need for help in the kitchen she fit right in. About three weeks later she moved into her new home. Stephanie checked in. She is in a wheelchair. She had a stroke which left her paralyzed on one side. She was waiting for her next disability check to continue on to Jacksonville, Florida and an appointment with a neurological specialist. In no time at all, Stephanie was helping Dolores in the kitchen. There was plenty of laughter and joy coming out of the kitchen during the days she was here and plenty of delicious meals, too. Resident James has been here quite a few times. This time when he checked in he told Martin he wanted to be his “Jesse”. So James has been working around here. He has helped Martin make new beds for the women’s dorm. He cleans the men’s and guest bathrooms every day. He has gone out on jobs for spending money. He has a contagious smile. Come by and share a howdy with James. Remember Nick and his mom? We are pleased to announce they have moved out to a home of their own. We were able to help with sheets and dishes and a pot and pan. Nick will be attending a different school and his mom will be setting up house for her small family. Pray for easy transition for Nick. Early in the month John and his two sons checked in. They came from New York. The oldest boy is the same age as Nick. They hit it off right away. It is amazing to see, no matter the geographic and cultural differences, that children always have connections. Both boys are enrolled in school. Now John has time to look for employment. He has met a Christian man who is helping him. Pray for John and his sons. Guest cooks this month served hamburgers, lasagna, and Mexican casserole. Add the healthy side dishes and the delicious desserts and you’ve got a meal fit to feed a king. Can guest cooks retire? Yes, they can. What started out as a one time act of service ended up a faithful and committed love act. The Third Thursday Methodist Guest Cooks have turned in their chef hats and aprons. We will miss their smiles and visits. We have made life lasting friendships. After the plates of food were served by the guest cooks, they sat down and met and visited the residents who were here at the time. From time to time, one of the cooks would be able to help one of our residents. Then one Christmas a mini tradition was begun. This group of cooks joined with another group of guest cooks and put together a big Christmas dinner. We were driven from the mission to the church and walked into a Christmas decorated room. Tables were set up with cheery holiday decorations. We went through a buffet line and our plates were generously filled with another feast that could satisfy a king. The evening got more fun with the entertainment, usually singers who put us all in the Christmas spirit. Gifts were handed to each resident. And if there were children in our group there was much joy in watching them open their gifts. Alas the evening would come to an end. With full bellies and big smiles on our faces and warm hearts we would load up into the chariots (small buses) and head home. Thank you, dear friends, brothers and sisters in the Lord. We have been blessed more times than you will ever know. If we don’t see you again on this side of heaven we will catch you on the flip side. We had visitors from afar this past month. My mother in law’s (mom) brother and nephew drove in from California. Martin’s sister from Kingsland came in. The next three days were packed full of stories, laughter and eating. Mom pulled out pictures to look at. And so it began... “Who is that? When was that picture taken? Where were we when that picture was taken?” Cousins caught up on the “grown up” events of their lives. The time came for these travelers to head back home. We are glad to say that the guys made it back home safely. Martin’s sister did, too. Thank you, Lord, for family and new memories to treasure in our hearts. I praise God that we don’t have to ask who, when or where are our supporters. Thank you to the many folks who walk with us in this-God’s ministry-GODTEL Ministries. Our cup runneth over. To God be the glory. Because we serve a Living God, Martin and Mary Baker “When I consider Your heavens, the work of your fingers, The moon and the stars, which You have ordained, What is man that You are mindful of him, And the son of man that You visit him? For You have made him a little lower than the angels, And you have crowned him with glory and honor.” Psalm 8:3-5 JESUS Name above all names Comments are closed.
January 2025
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