Nacogdoches Building Project
The completion of our building/relocation project is in sight. We are anticipating being able to move the ladies out of their cramped quarters and into the spacious women’s dorm by the first of the year. Our main-out newsletter had many photos of the activity. We truly had much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. Speaking of … In Ephesians 5:20 we are instructed to give thanks always for all things. Sometimes that is a sacrifice because some things are difficult for us to endure and we do not feel thankful. The object here is to obey God and trust His Word which assures us in Romans 8:28 that all things are working for the good of those who love God and are the called according to His purpose. As verse 29 goes on to explain, we are being conformed to look like Christ Who learned obedience by what He suffered. Scripture also describes Him as a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. He endured the agony of the cross, keeping His eyes fixed on the joyous prize ahead. May we do the same. Thanksgiving Day Meals What a bountiful and delicious variety of foods we served at each of our mission locations. Bro June and I were able to only look at the food in Nacogdoches at noon and in Lufkin at 2:00 p.m. (except for one piece of fabulous pecan pie I was given at the Lufkin mission). But we really made up for lost time when we sat down to eat in Livingston. Among the approximately 30 volunteers we had at the Nacogdoches mission were the Stephen F. Austin Basketball team and the coaches. They had just returned to Nacogdoches (from playing out of state) at 5:30 a.m. so they were a little road-weary but they put on smiles and helped serve the food and put smiles on the faces of those in attendance. In Nacogdoches we served almost 150, in Lufkin there were 60 (21 of which were volunteers), and in Livingston there were 32 in attendance. Our sincere thanks to each individual and business who donated Turkeys and hams and desserts and yams (I couldn’t resist the rhyme), paper products, and plastic ware. The volunteers who helped prepare, set up, and serve the meals are also deeply appreciated. Your presence helped make the day extra special and we are very grateful. May God bless you for your service here. Christmas Blessings to Everyone The entire staff of GODTEL along with our residents send our warmest greetings to each of you for this year’s celebration of the birth, as a human, of Jesus the Christ. May you know His peace, not like the world gives which is based on circumstances and possessions, but the deep-down assurance of the love and provision of the almighty Creator of all we see. His offer of salvation is free to whosoever will submit to Him. If you would like to visit with us during our Christmas Day feast, you are welcome to come eat with us. (Call for times.) |
January 2025
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