Women’s Dorm Construction Begins (Again) in Nacogdoches
Women’s Dorm Construction Begins (Again) in Nacogdoches Last month we included some photos of the Nacogdoches mission. Here are more. On the left is the combination chapel/dayroom/dining room where “appetite gratification” is being experienced. At the back of the room (under the clock) is the serving window where plates are filled and distributed. The photo on the right is the chapel platform with the pulpit designed after the treasured “Spurgeon Rail Pulpit.” This item was a gift from Fredonia Hill Baptist Church.Nacogdoches Kiwanis Club As a service project and in preparation for the Annual Blueberry Festival (coming up in June where they will cook many, many hundred blueberry pancakes), the Nacogdoches Kiwanis Club brought their mobile grill to the Nacogdoches mission on the 8th of May and cooked 350 pancakes and 200 sausages which were delightfully devoured by our residents and staff alike. We are very grateful and would not mind if this also became an annual event. After the meal, one resident was heard to say, with a rather sticky voice (you know, like Winnie-the-Pooh), “That was great.”Fed by Fred … and Others The Nacogdoches Mission is blessed to have several churches and groups come on a regular basis to feed our residents and give our cook (and budget) a break. The smiling faces and delicious variety of meals gladden our spirits, not to mention our taste buds. In Livingston, we are blessed to have members of two different churches come on a monthly basis to prepare and serve supper. One church is just over 30 minutes away and the other is over an hour away. Thank you to Barnum Baptist Church, East of Corrigan, and to Grace Bible Fellowship in Fred (TX). We appreciate your cheerful service and mouth-watering meals. (I simply must get that recipe for queso dip from Bro. Darrell.) We pray for God to bless every one of you abundantly. Thank you.Nacogdoches Building Project After several months of delay, the construction of the women’s dormitory in Nacogdoches is again moving forward. Our building fund has close to $400,000 in it and we plan to build until we complete the job or run out of money. The majority of these funds were generated by the sale of our downtown property. Our general contractor, Danny Powell, tells us the actual construction costs will be over $600,000 but we are not worried about the possible shortage of funds. God is faithful and we know He has entrusted certain of His children with the “wherewithal” to help us complete the task. When the need arises, He will bring it to their attention to transfer those funds from their “Kingdom Account” to GODTEL’s. Meanwhile, you are welcome to stop by for a tour and watch the progress of our final building at the “new” location.A Big Thank-You to Our Faithful Bible Study Teachers At each of our three missions we present a Bible lesson twice daily—at 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. (five to seven days a week, depending on the mission). Members of our staff teach the majority of these sessions but we have several men who have been coming almost every week for 20 to 25 years to testify and teach God’s Word to our staff and residents. What an encouragement to us to know they are sold out to God and willing to share their knowledge, life experiences, and teaching abilities with the homeless. We earnestly pray that God will bless, guide, protect, encourage, and empower you to keep on keeping on.Nancy Gentry Women’s Dorm Construction Begins (Again) in Nacogdoches Women’s Dorm Construction Begins (Again) in Nacogdoches Last month we included some photos of the Nacogdoches mission. Here are more. On the left is the combination chapel/dayroom/dining room where “appetite gratification” is being experienced. At the back of the room (under the clock) is the serving window where plates are filled and distributed. The photo on the right is the chapel platform with the pulpit designed after the treasured “Spurgeon Rail Pulpit.” This item was a gift from Fredonia Hill Baptist Church.Nacogdoches Kiwanis Club As a service project and in preparation for the Annual Blueberry Festival (coming up in June where they will cook many, many hundred blueberry pancakes), the Nacogdoches Kiwanis Club brought their mobile grill to the Nacogdoches mission on the 8th of May and cooked 350 pancakes and 200 sausages which were delightfully devoured by our residents and staff alike. We are very grateful and would not mind if this also became an annual event. After the meal, one resident was heard to say, with a rather sticky voice (you know, like Winnie-the-Pooh), “That was great.”Fed by Fred … and Others The Nacogdoches Mission is blessed to have several churches and groups come on a regular basis to feed our residents and give our cook (and budget) a break. The smiling faces and delicious variety of meals gladden our spirits, not to mention our taste buds. In Livingston, we are blessed to have members of two different churches come on a monthly basis to prepare and serve supper. One church is just over 30 minutes away and the other is over an hour away. Thank you to Barnum Baptist Church, East of Corrigan, and to Grace Bible Fellowship in Fred (TX). We appreciate your cheerful service and mouth-watering meals. (I simply must get that recipe for queso dip from Bro. Darrell.) We pray for God to bless every one of you abundantly. Thank you.Nacogdoches Building Project After several months of delay, the construction of the women’s dormitory in Nacogdoches is again moving forward. Our building fund has close to $400,000 in it and we plan to build until we complete the job or run out of money. The majority of these funds were generated by the sale of our downtown property. Our general contractor, Danny Powell, tells us the actual construction costs will be over $600,000 but we are not worried about the possible shortage of funds. God is faithful and we know He has entrusted certain of His children with the “wherewithal” to help us complete the task. When the need arises, He will bring it to their attention to transfer those funds from their “Kingdom Account” to GODTEL’s. Meanwhile, you are welcome to stop by for a tour and watch the progress of our final building at the “new” location.A Big Thank-You to Our Faithful Bible Study Teachers At each of our three missions we present a Bible lesson twice daily—at 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. (five to seven days a week, depending on the mission). Members of our staff teach the majority of these sessions but we have several men who have been coming almost every week for 20 to 25 years to testify and teach God’s Word to our staff and residents. What an encouragement to us to know they are sold out to God and willing to share their knowledge, life experiences, and teaching abilities with the homeless. We earnestly pray that God will bless, guide, protect, encourage, and empower you to keep on keeping on.Nancy Gentry |
January 2025
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