Because there has been a literal New Testament fulfillment of the Old Testament Feasts God established for His people to celebrate, I believe the return of Jesus Christ will fulfill the Feast of Trumpets, also know as Rosh Hashanah. It is a two-day celebration which begins this year on September 10th. How I long for this year to be the one in which the last trumpet shall sound and we rise to meet the Lord in the air. (1 Corinthians 15:52 and 1 Thessalonians 4:16)
I hope you are ready to meet Jesus and be judged by Him. His love and sacrifice have provided the opportunity to receive the gift of salvation. To receive that gift, however, depends on our willingness to turn away from doing things our way to accepting God’s will and doing things His way. Being spiritually born begins a process of being conformed to the image of Christ, learning to make the choice to say no to our urges to gratify our unlawful desires. And believe you me, the benefits far outweigh the sacrifices, eternally, if not in this life. Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus. Guest Cooks We are greatly blessed by the individuals, church groups, and businesses who come to each of GODTEL’s three shelters to serve meals to our workers and residents. The variety of meals and cheerful personalities are greatly enjoyed. We pray that God will bless each one of you for your service to and care of the poor. Christian Help Centers In Livingston, Benita Woodmansee oversees the reception, sorting and distribution of donated clothing and household items. She is also the manager of the Livingston mission and our cook. Please pray for her; she is one busy lady. She will not accept a salary nor a day off each week. (She takes a four-hour nap on Sunday afternoons.) She tells us that God told her that she had been freely given to and she was to freely give of her time and abilities. Benita describes her labors at GODTEL as her life. She said if she were to be paid, it would be a job. (We jokingly agree that there is not enough money to pay us to work at GODTEL, so it is a good thing that we are volunteers.) We thank God for Benita’s service and her life. For over 10 years Mrs. Jackie Haley has been volunteering to manage our Christian Help Center in Nacogdoches. In the top photo below she is busy transferring a case of peanut butter to the table where people shop. In the bottom photo she is helping children get a book and a toy to take home. Not only does Mrs. Jackie work in the CHC, she ministers to our residents in many different ways. We are truly blessed to have her be a part of GODTEL. Garden-fare The Livingston mission planted several tomato plants this year but somehow we only reaped one tomato. So much was going on at the Nacogdoches mission this Spring we did not get our hoped-for garden off the ground, rather, into the ground. Therefore, we are greatly appreciating and enjoying what others are bringing us from their gardens. THANK YOU! Doing Chores Cheerfully On the back page you can see one of our youngest residents (here with her mother and grandmother), doing chores. She even volunteered to fold the towels and pillow cases. Although she had never done it before, she caught on quickly and did a very good job. (She just celebrated her seventh birthday with a party at GODTEL for which Mrs. Helen, my sister, made a wonderfully decadent strawberry cake.) |
January 2025
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