Be Comforted — Jesus Is Coming Again!
Bro. June is currently preaching through 1 Thessalonians at our three missions and on at least two occasions it is written that we are to comfort one another with the knowledge that Jesus Christ is going to return to earth to complete God’s plan for mankind. Jesus Himself said He was going to prepare a place for His own to dwell and that if He prepared a place for us, He would come again (John 14:2-3). Like students waiting for the end of the school year, or like a young child in early December waiting for Christmas Day to arrive, we Christians fidget and sometimes fail to “redeem,” or “occupy” the time. Some individuals have given up hope and are no longer seeking God and His righteousness. Instead, they are trying to content themselves with the transient pleasures this world offers. A young lady spoke with me after hearing June teach/preach one recent service and said he had helped her understand things she had wondered about for years. Though he had raised some new questions, he had answered many more and she was very glad that she had come to GODTEL. We are very thankful for God’s faithfulness and for the obedience of His children to help support this ministry to the poor. It gives great joy to have people come to know and understand the Gospel. When you pray for and give to GODTEL, you become a part of this ministry which is preaching the Gospel to the poor. In Matthew 11:5, Jesus indicates that one of the evidences of being a Christian is that very thing, “The poor have the Gospel preached to them.” So, again, thank you for helping to make this possible. We pray that God will bless you abundantly for your participation. When Jesus returns, you will share in any reward given for the work accomplished through GODTEL. Construction Delayed In last month’s newsletter, I announced that construction had begun on the women’s dorm in Nacogdoches. Shortly after we mailed the newsletter however, we were told that the city had withdrawn the permit due to a problem with the architectural plans (an error we had made—out of ignorance). Since the architect is extremely busy with a more extensive (and expensive, no doubt) project, we will have to wait until he completes that project before he can correct our plans and resubmit them to the city. If we are learning nothing else with this building project we are learning to have patience. Our lack of knowledge about architectural plans has caused a delay in construction, but far worse would be a lack of knowledge of God’s Word. Hosea 4:6 tells us that God’s people are destroyed because they lack knowledge of Him and His Word. Then in Matthew 22:29 Jesus is quoted telling us that when we do not know the Scriptures nor the power of God, we err—we make wrong choices. To know God’s awesome power is to fear “crossing” Him as well as to thankfully trust Him to keep us on the “straight and narrow.” One way to keep from sinning is found in Psalm 119:11—to hide God’s Word in our hearts. Meal Assistance In both Livingston and Nacogdoches, we are blessed and encouraged by individuals, church groups, and businesses who come regularly to prepare and serve special meals to our residents. The menu varies but the fellowship is always precious as God’s love flows through the volunteers to those they are serving. Christian Literature Available GODTEL has a variety of tri-fold tracts covering a wide range of topics. Some of these are written by prominent Christians, others by members of our staff and family. Most concern spiritual lessons learned from actual events which can encourage you in your walk with the Lord and strengthen your faith. Most of these have been previously mailed as an insert in our monthly newsletters. They are freely available for the asking. If you would like to add to your Gospel music collection, we have CDs by the June Gentry Family which can be ordered directly from GODTEL. We also offer studies about the scientific evidences supporting Creation, teachings on Faith by Bro. Manley Beasley, and other literature which can help with spiritual growth. Eggs-citing News February was a bountiful month for donations of eggs. We have a few hens in Livingston (but only roosters in Nacogdoches which just cannot get the job done). Being the beneficiary of egg donations is a blessing. We eat them boiled, fried, scrambled and baked into a variety of food dishes. Our thanks to these donors and to each of you who helps support us. May God bless you. Nancy Gentry Comments are closed.
January 2025
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