April showers bring...
Resurrection Day! Jesus is alive! Death could not keep Him in the grave. Oh death, where is your sting? Oh, Lord, come get your bride. Our hearts desire to go home and spend eternity with you. It was a good day. All was calm, giving us pause to realize the importance of this day. The feast for the day was ham, donated by a friend. The side dishes that went along with it were just the right touch. It was a good day. Our guest cooks were present and accounted for. Chicken was the theme for most of the month. Homemade lasagna started the month off from the first group of guest cooks. Beef sandwiches and another helping of lasagna came shortly after that. We ate a variety of delicious chicken dishes. Because we have several chicken plants in east Texas, chicken is readily available. It is a treat to sit down to the next chicken creation. Thank you to all our guest cooks. We truly appreciate your time in preparation and serving of these meals. And the fellowship is the dessert. The Mosaic Center had its graduation on April 22 at 5:30 pm at the Central Church of Christ. The graduates were able to invite four guests. Our resident, Janis, was one of the spring session graduates. She ran the course and finished the race. We are very pleased that Janis committed and completed the session. Christi was a mentor, again, this spring session. There were four women who graduated. Each graduate received a certificate from The Mosaic Center upon their completion. They, also, received a certificate from the Jobs for Life curriculum. Even though the session is over prayers will continue to go up on their behalf. God bless you all! You are loved by our Heavenly Father. Go and tell others about the Lord. We all know that this past year has been different, unique, crazy...April seemed to be a slow turning point in returning to normal or the “new normal”. Some of our folks have been working the whole time. Praise the Lord. And some have recently gained employment. We are thankful for both situations. Sometimes it is hard to express our heartfelt appreciation to you. We have had folks check on us faithfully throughout the pandemic year. Canned goods, water, paper goods, cleaning supplies and so much more have all come in without us saying a word. We thank you and praise God daily for the bountiful blessings that are literally poured out on us. We don’t know what tomorrow may bring, but the newness of the spring days gives a little extra “spring” in our walk with the Lord. We look forward to new adventures in the Lord. Dennis came in mid March. His arm was injured in a work related accident. He has had doctor appointments and a trip to Tyler for surgery. Pins were put in place and now the healing begins. Even with one working arm, Dennis volunteers for the chores he is able to do. In March, he made a decision for Christ. How exciting it is– we get front row seats to watch our new brother in Christ grow during this time of testing. Two men, at separate times, came to GODTEL waiting on a bed at rehab. After several days each had a bed opening and went to get the help they needed. We are glad they heard about Jesus while waiting. Brittany has been here several times. A few months ago she came to GODTEL. She returned to Lufkin, reported to probation and was promptly put in jail. She served her time. When she was released she was free and clear of all legal entanglements. She landed on our doorstep once again. She was not planning to stay. While waiting on a ride to Tyler she was fed-body and spirit. When I came out for bed check she was not on property. I assumed her ride came and she was on her way to Tyler to see her daughter. But, alas...a week later she appeared again. This time to check in. She was here a few days and then one night, after curfew, she left. She called to check on mail. She was in Houston. Brittany had packages and paper mail. She drove up here and got her mail. We don’t know her plans. We don’t think she has any plans. But we know God does know what will be next in her life. Pray for Brittany. For real-we had a Wisper here for one night. The next day she took a bus to Longview to catch a train-destiny unknown. GODTEL Ministries has received gifts… IN MEMORY OF Marlene Yoder How fun it was to receive gifts as far as Alaska and Georgia and Arizona. Texas, too! Even though we are in Texas, some places are pretty far away in this big state of ours. I think Marlene would get a smile out of that. I will miss you, Marlene. Thank you for the opportunity to minister to Dennis, Brittany and Wisper. Thank you for your prayers. And we are honored to receive your prayer requests. Be careful. Be safe. And be His. Because we serve a Living God. ~Martin and Mary Baker Comments are closed.
January 2025
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