Sitting down to write this newsletter, I looked over the month of April on my calendar. There were a lot of blank squares staring at me. Even though we were busy, there was not much social activity filling up those spaces. We pretty much stayed home and stayed safe. Martin made the essential trips to the grocery and hardware stores. As you can see from the Employment Report several of our residents had jobs and worked on their scheduled days. The majority of jobs, at this time, are on the men’s side. Slow and easy is the idea behind the re-opening of our state. The Mosaic Center and The Fieldhouse are making plans to start back-maybe in June. Christi is still “building” masks. Variety is the key word in the making of these masks. New patterns show up and Christi works her “magic”. She is not chained to the sewing machine, she can still reach the phone when it rings and answers with a smile. What? You can’t see it? Maybe it is the cheerful voice that you hear. History-Christi had never sewn on a sewing machine before she got here. Can you believe it?! GODTEL was given a working Elnita sewing machine. Warren looked at it and serviced it. He knows how to sew and he knows sewing machines. He set Christi up and showed her how to sew on the machine. Her first efforts were quite good. She mended several pair of her jeans. She has, also, started repairing and making laundry bags. And now she is making face masks-keeping us all safe. Christi was excited when she mastered threading the bobbin. We are thankful that Christi was willing to try something new. Now you know “the rest of the story.” Our guest cooks did not disappear or disappoint us. Delicious meals were left at the kitchen door. (they were really brought inside) We served and thankfully ate Mexican food times two, pulled pork sandwiches, pizza, and homemade lasagna. We almost fell into the gluttony club. A local church brought us seven boxes of chicken. They are now housed in our freezer. We are most thankful that we have plenty of food for meals to come. A young woman came in one day. She was bringing a donation. She asked how we were doing and if there was anything we needed. I was glad to report that we were fine and not in need at this time. I was telling her how God supplied our needs not knowing we would not be able to find these items later. She seconded my “amen”. She told me how thankful and blessed she is that she was able to work during our “shelter in place” and “stay home” declarations. Pray for our national and state leaders as they slowly re-open the states and lift restrictions. Pray for us as we patiently walk the road back to “the way it used to be.” Remember God is in control and He will lead us. One of our newsletter readers read the insert from last month, “Don’t Waste Your Poison Ivy” by Marvin Olasky. She texted Christi and was all excited. She said, “Let’s not waste the Corona Virus”. What an example to follow and a challenge to accept. Resident report. Our population number has stayed pretty much the same. Very few check-ins and very few exits. Dee and Janis were able to keep working. Bill and Jeffrey were off about three weeks but have been back on the job now for two weeks. Ollie, who had a part time night job, applied for a day job. He got the job. Praise the Lord! Barbara is waiting to hear from The Mosaic Center to return to finish the spring session of the Christian Women’s Job Corps. In the meantime, she has helped around here with the various extra chores. Janet checked in the middle of April. She, too, has been helping in the garden and doing her share of chores. Mandy has major health issues. No, not the corona virus She has had two visits to the hospital. Tests, time and insurance will tell what comes next. Prayers welcome. In Memory GODTEL Ministries has been blessed with gifts in memory of: Mr. Ronnie Temple and Mary Jule Tatum Our community was blessed by the lives of these two people. We are praying for their families as they go through this time of loss. Kristen is our first born grandchild. She is one of the many high school seniors who probably won’t be able to walk the stage to receive her diploma. Kristen has worked hard and done well. We know she understands the current event of this year that will take away this ceremony but NOT the achieved goal. We pray that her school district will come up with a safe and acceptable solution. Kristen, you are in our prayers and hearts. Remember the question from long ago? Who loves you? … Remember “Don’t waste your Corona virus!” Because we serve a Living God, ~Martin and Mary Baker Comments are closed.
January 2025
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