There are so many people to thank and so much to tell about our February-from-the-North-Pole that I am practically at a loss to know where to begin and what to include in the limited space I have. It was quite an adventure, to say the least, and one everybody is glad to see in the “rear-view mirror.” Although there was a great amount of suffering associated with it, I came to view it as God’s amazing power and creativity on display. Snowflakes are tiny miracles of delicate design. When combined with a multitude of other bits of frozen water, the effects can be beautiful, painful, and even deadly. In NAC, on the first day of the heavy snow, we were blessed by men from both the police and fire departments who trudged up our driveway (when their cars did not have enough traction to traverse the incline) to check on both our welfare and our ability to house those displaced by the storm. We agreed to receive guests until our beds and cots were full (in spite of COVID—a person can recover from the virus but they cannot recover from being frozen to death.) After that they sent a truck to put gravel on our driveway so vehicles could drive in and out safely. They brought cases of drinking water several times and they gave rides to GODTEL, for people whose homes were without power or water and had no vehicle—at all hours of the day and night! The Nacogdoches City Manager’s Office kept in touch several times daily to see if we had any needs and to check on how many beds we still had available. With our new facility, we had plenty of space for the more than 100 people we housed and fed during the week. Actually, the housing, clothing, and feeding GODTEL’s three homeless shelters provide is secondary to our mission to love others in a practical way and share the good news of God’s love with all who come to us. Several people made the comment, “If I had only known how bad it was going to be, I would have prepared more diligently.” And that brings to my mind the situation of so many who face God, unprepared, on Judgment Day who will hear Him say, “Depart from Me...” (Matthew 7:21-23). Satan’s temptations can appear beautiful but turn deadly, so beware. To be sentenced to an eternity of pain, regret, torment, and intense suffering is immeasurably worse than what could ever be suffered in the wake of any earthly disaster. So, along with our message of God’s amazing love, mercy, and grace, as well as the benefits (both earthly and Heavenly) of a life of service to our Creator, we warn everyone of the disastrous results of ignoring God and His offer to give them His eternal life. (Hell is forever!) Thanks Also To: The picture below is just part of a food donation made to the Nacogdoches mission by Daryl McElroy with MasTec, Inc. In Livingston we have been blessed by our assistants, Terry Van Meter, Greg Berg, and a resident helper, Robert. These men have repaired a multitude of broken water pipes along with doing other vital tasks during the bitterly cold weather. When replacement pipes were not available at any of the plumbing shops, etc., God reminded Benita that her son, Doug, did a lot of home repairs so she called him and he was able to supply what we needed to get our water running again. He even delivered supplies (pipes and couplings) twice.
All the assistance we received reminds me of a line from the song “Through It All” by Andrae Crouch, “For if I’d never had a problem, I wouldn’t know God could solve them. I’d never know what faith in God could do. To God be the glory. He has supplied all we needed and then some. We thank Him for His mercy and grace. For Your Information Bro. June’s sermons and music are available for viewing and listening to on YouTube. His music CDs and helpful Christian literature, including the series on Faith by Manley Beasley are also available directly from GODTEL (Contact information is at the bottom of this page). Call, email, or write us. ~Nancy Gentry Comments are closed.
January 2025
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