The merry month of May? The Mary month of May?
She was a young student. Spelling was the subject. The months of the year were the words for that week. She diligently studied and practiced writing the twelve words. Test day came along and she was ready for it. One by one the teacher called out the spelling words, not in any particular order-January, June, April, May. Oh! Oh! The girl knew her words. A one hundred perfect grade was hers to earn this day. The test papers were turned in to the teacher, graded and returned to the students. As the teacher handed the test paper to the girl her smile turned into embarrassment. Her heart broke when she saw the red “X” next to the month of May, for it said “MARY”. Years later she can laugh and smile over the memory of the spelling error...BUT she has not ever misspelled May or Mary since then. This is a true story. Just ask and I will tell you, for you see I am that little girl named Mary. “Shelter in place.” “Stay at home.” These orders did not change the daily routine here at the top of the hill on Moody Street. Those who had jobs went to work and those who did not stayed and helped around here. They may have been boring and repetitive but the chores needed to be done to keep us safe. They were never “overworked”. Re-open. A new word for our vocabulary list. Whether the rules are followed or not, it is like peeling an onion-one layer at a time. The Fieldhouse started classes May 18th with only four weeks to go to finish this session. June 1st is the start date for The Mosaic Center. Our church opened its doors for services the last Sunday of May. Restaurants opened to a 25% capacity and then eased into 50% capacity before the end of the month. Some of the non-essential stores have opened limiting the number of shoppers at a time. Three of our Bible Study teachers have returned to our pulpit. One group of guest cooks took the plunge and came in person. We were glad to see our brethren in the Lord. We pray for all our volunteers and pray that they return only when they feel comfortable and safe. God’s timing is perfect and so we wait. Our guest cooks treated us to Mexican food, burgers and fries from Burger King, home cooked hamburgers, spaghetti, goulash, AND homemade ice cream! If anyone went away hungry it was their doing. Resident Update:
Hear ye! Hear ye! Kristen, our granddaughter, was probably one of the few high school students who got to walk across the stage to receive her diploma. She is/was ranked number 3 in her class. She gave the Invocation. We were not able to attend as each graduate only had a few guests to invite. We love you, Kristen. Congratulations! In Memory GODTEL Ministries has been blessed with gifts in memory of:
Our community has been blessed by the lives of these two people. We are praying for their families as they go though this time of loss. Scott worked for GODTEL/Lufkin for over a year. He turned in his notice. It was time for him to move on. He hasn’t gone far. He is working for a local business and is living only a block or two away. He has come by to assist in auto repair, which is mostly what he did while living and serving here. God is good and he is faithful. With that said we praise Him for supplying all our needs. My “Needs” box is on hold for awhile. We know many are unemployed or on a work break and we understand and we pray for our neighbors. Thank you for your faithful support. Hope you had a merry month of May! Because we serve a Living God, ~Martin and Mary Baker Comments are closed.
January 2025
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