May showers bring June rains that bring soggy yards, overflowing lakes, ponds and rivers. Praise the Lord...trying to be thankful in all situations.
The merry month of May started with the graduation of Tony and two other men from The Fieldhouse. Tony is a resident at GODTEL. The ceremony was held at Denman Avenue Baptist Church. The guests, students and volunteers enjoyed refreshments afterwards. Once again, our guest cooks blessed us with willing hands and serving hearts as they prepared and served delicious meals to us throughout the month. Pork chops, Mexican soup, grilled hamburgers and a casserole were the lip smacking imported treats for the last month. Mm Mm good! We had a delightful visit from Lori. She traveled from Utah to Lufkin to visit family. She came to GODTEL to learn about us. She has a heart for the Lord and has a ministry of feeding the poor where she lives. She was a sweet break from our daily routine. We pray for Lori and her ministry in Utah. We hope to see her when she returns to deep east Texas. I had the blessing to attend the recital of three precious home schooled senior girls. The piano, violin and cello came together to make beautiful music. Each young lady played solo pieces, some with an accompanist. They ended the recital with a trio performance. Praises and thanks were given to the Lord for their instructors and families who supported them through the years of lessons and practice. What a mighty Lord we serve because He first loved us. Of course, there was cake and punch and fellowship afterwards. Most of us Texans had a very wet and soggy month of May. Rain boots and umbrellas were seen everywhere. One day, according to our local weather guy, we received 5.5 inches of rain. All sort of weather records have been beat this spring. Along with the rain, thunder and lightening there were power outages. One evening we were without electricity for five hours. Another day it was out for about an hour. I am not complaining. We get the flashlights out and don’t miss a meal or Bible study or miss a bath. Praise the Lord! “Lord willing and if the creeks don’t rise…”. That is what Stephanie said. Stephanie is our sister in the Lord who lives in Etoile, Texas. She is the sweet servant of the Lord who comes once a month to give haircuts to our residents. Well, she called us to set up her haircuttin’ time and said she would be here if...When we made the announcement to our residents, we could literally say and mean the words of “Lord willing and the creeks don’t rise”….The Lord was willing. Stephanie was here the next day to bless us with her time and gift. Burt, Tony and Louis moved out one evening during Bible study. It saddens our hearts when residents who have been here awhile and appearing to do well make the decision to move out during Bible study. This action does have a part in our decision to help them again, should they need it. Burt was the only one who had a job. He had been here since last November. He got the job at Pilgrim’s Pride fairly quick. He saved money and bought a vehicle. He asked if he could stay awhile and he gave a weekly donation. Tony and Louis had little day jobs here and there. Louis was always willing to help around here on projects. We don’t know why they got up in the middle of Bible study and left. God knows. Pray for Burt, Tony and Louis. We had two sets of moms and children check in during the month. One of the mothers stayed three days. The second mom and her two teenage daughters had been here before. They checked in, with a plan and timetable. Shamaria checked in. She had been here before waiting on a bed at rehab. A bed came open and off to rehab she went. She could not complete her rehab program to due health issues. We don’t know where she has been until now. She did not stay long, about a week and then she left, again, to parts unknown. With all the rain we had, and are still having, we got nervous when Noah checked in. Yes, he did. Thankfully, he was not the Noah of long ago. His stay was much shorter than forty days and forty nights. Robert had a long way to go to get a job. He lost his Social Security card. He needed a copy of his birth certificate. That took awhile. Finally, all the necessary documents came together. It didn’t take long to get the job. He got a job at Pilgrim’s Pride. He moved out because his work hours did not work with our rules. He ate here and he bathed here, but did not sleep here. He “stuck it out”. After a few paychecks he has a place to live. Thank you, folks, for allowing us to help Shamaria, Burt, Tony, Louis, Noah and Robert. No matter their stories we know each one of these people heard the gospel of Jesus. We covet your prayers. Thank you for the financial support. We appreciate the volunteers who lead Bible study, prepare and serve meals, give haircuts. Thank you. Be careful. Be safe. And be His. Because we serve a Living God, ~Martin and Mary Baker Comments are closed.
January 2025
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