Cinco de Mayo, Mother’s Day, graduations, birthdays, Memorial Day. May was not only merry it was filled with plenty to do.
EMPLOYMENT REPORT: New jobs-2 Still working-11 The Fieldhouse-3 Praise the Lord! Our guest cooks came making us merry with every bite of their culinary treats. From pulled pork sandwiches to pizza to Mexican casserole to fried chicken and hamburgers we most assuredly enjoyed these meals in merry fashion. At 5:15 pm on Monday, May 14th, at The Fieldhouse, chicken spaghetti was served to the four students, two teachers and four observers of the first session of the Lufkin Christian Men’s Job Corps. A Bible Study video with Dr. Tony Evans was presented. It is the “Kingdom Men” study. Then the Jobs for Life session set the tone and attitude for the weeks ahead. Each man there heard the expectations from the teachers and the students. Each one learned they had value in God’s eyes. Each student left with commitment in their hearts. Pray for all who have a part in this life changing ministry. Don’t change that channel updates to follow… More talk of food. Tomatoes, cucumbers, okra, yellow squash and zucchini squash are in the ground and already yielding their first pickin’. I can see it now-cold cucumber soup, zucchini bread, fried or sauteed squash and lots of fresh sliced tomatoes in salad or by themselves. Vegetable heaven! David, former resident and helper, checked in for a few days. We got caught up on what’s been happening since we last saw each other. It was good to see him. The trip here was a short stop on his way to moving to Houston. Our Mosaic Center graduate, Christine, found a job cleaning at a local motel. She has since moved out to a friend’s house and is still waiting on her own place. Kristina arrived on our doorstep late January. She has been working and saving money. This month she, too, was able to move out to a place of her own. I was able to help her with linens and dishes. It is a blessing to be able to go beyond our main purpose of housing folks and “invest in their future”. Four of the residents started attending the classes at The Fieldhouse. We were disappointed that one of the men dropped out. He was staying at GODTEL and broke several rules. He was asked to leave the mission, but was not exempted from the classes. He chose to walk away from this unique opportunity. Pray for Brian. We are glad to report that the other three students don’t sit around all day. One of the men has several lawns he takes care of. The other two men have been going out on day jobs. We praise the Lord for these encouraging stories to share with you. Mary, Aaron, Danny and a few other residents got jobs picking blueberries. I think most of the berries end up in the bucket ‘cuz I haven’t seen any blue fingers or lip evidence to suggest that any “missed” the bucket. That is a good thing because WHY? The Blueberry Festival is coming up in Nacogdoches. You can spend the day in historic Nacogdoches, Texas-the oldest town in Texas, of course. Eating and buying blueberries. YUMMY! Ronnie is no stranger to GODTEL. He has lived with us on and off for many years. Once, again, Ronnie had need to come in for a short while. While here he fed the chickens, gathered the cardboard and crushed aluminum cans. He spoiled us in the short time he was here. When he left he said he would come every day to continue these daily chores. And he has. Days when he gets a little job he calls and lets us know he won’t be here. But never fear Jesse is here. Jesse arrived in January. He was working. Sometimes he was able to drive residents to jobs or appointments. His eyesight got bad and he has had to quit working and driving. He is waiting on eye surgery scheduled at the end of the month. While waiting, he has stepped in and helped with the chickens, cardboard and cans. Plus he washes the dishes after most meals. We are thankful for Jesse and his willingness to help out. Pray for Jesse. Mother’s Day passed. Memorial Day came and went. The days are teasing us with summer temperatures. We know the days will get stuck on the high numbers of heat and humidity. Our boss reminds us that hell is hotter. So we stand on the proven scripture that God’s grace is sufficient. Exciting adventures await many folks this summer. I have a sister in Christ who is heading to Odessa, Ukraine, England and Normandy. She has not ever been out of the country. She is nervous and excited. Our grandson, Blaine, is traveling to Washington, D.C. with a school group. What an adventure he will have. Maybe you are or know someone who is traveling this summer, pray for travel mercies. Vacation Bible Schools are gearing up-watch out for those children and parents as they walk or ride to the church to hear the greatest news we can receive. God loves us so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross. He was buried and he rose from the dead. He has ascended to heaven and He will return to gather His own. What a promise! Until then, we gladly serve Him. Thank you for your support. God bless you. Have a safe and wonderful summer. Because we serve a Living God, Martin and Mary Baker Comments are closed.
January 2025
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