We were very disappointed that this year’s celebration of the Feast of Trumpets came and went and left us still earth-bound. We know God’s timing is perfect, so we are choosing to rejoice in the opportunities we will have this year to present the Gospel message to the lost and hurting individuals God will send our way. He Paid a Debt In our church services, we often sing the chorus, “He Paid a Debt.” The words are, “He paid a debt He did not owe, I owed a debt I could not pay. I needed someone to wash my sins away, and now I sing a brand new song, Amazing Grace, Christ Jesus paid a debt that I could never pay.” In last month’s newsletter, I told how Mr. Mike DeVance of New Beginnings home repair services in Livingston owed wages to some of our residents for work they did in mid-July. After two months he still has not paid them what he owes and he is not answering his phone. After one of our faithful supporters read the story, he called to see if the debt was still unpaid. When I told him, yes, he said he would cover it, and asked me how much was owed. He immediately wrote a check and sent it to GODTEL. How he has blessed and encouraged my heart! I was able to teach an object lesson as I gave the money to the open-mouthed workers. Hopefully, they have a better understanding of what Jesus has done for us. Just as Mr. Devance does not deserve to have this debt paid on his behalf, we do not deserve the benefits of what Jesus has done for us. A Real Lift After 40 years of making Nacogdoches a quieter place by installing auto and truck mufflers, Haden Eddings has retired. His muffler shop was also a gathering place for a group of men to regularly sit and discuss cars and current affairs. That venue, at the very least, will be sorely missed. Knowing that Bro. June repairs GODTEL’s vehicles, Mr. Eddings donated a car lift to GODTEL. June and his brother Richard have installed it in GODTEL’s auto-repair shop in Nacogdoches. The picture below shows one of GODTEL’s vehicles up on that lift. Thank you, Haden. May you have a long and Happy Retirement! Zero Hunger-Zero Waste There have been many times through the years that the local Kroger Grocery Stores have helped provide food and funds for our Nacogdoches mission. We recently received a sizable cash donation from the Corporate Headquarters for which we are very thankful. On September 10th we received a visit from a representative wanting a tour of GODTEL and presenting a new program to help feed the hungry. It is called “Zero hunger-Zero Waste.” (You can read about this at: https://vimeo.com/289878256). We sincerely appreciate Kroger’s ongoing support and encouragement. He Knew Better! Bro. June relearned a valuable but painful lesson last month. Busily working in the Livingston auto shop, instead of opening up an A-Frame ladder to climb up and reach what he needed, he leaned the ladder against the car lift (donated by Haden 18 years ago), which was up four feet off the ground. He retrieved what he needed from a rack over his head and when he set foot on the ladder to descend, it slipped, propelling him backward. Gravity pulled him down to the concrete floor between the rails of the car lift. He landed with all his weight on his left shoulder, knocking the breath out of him and pushing his collar bone up and toward his neck. I took him to the E.R. and to everyone’s surprise the X-rays showed no broken bones. Nine days later, the continued pain and deformation spurred me to take him to Dr. Hairston in Nacogdoches who referred us to Dr. Ed Ferren, a bone and joint specialist to see if anything needs to be done. Update next month. Guest Cooks Members of Calvary Baptist Church in Woodville recently held a cookout for our Livingston residents. The burgers were delicious and the fellowship joyous. Thank you. We are greatly blessed by the individuals, church groups, and businesses who come to each of GODTEL’s three shelters to serve meals to our workers and residents. The variety of meals and cheerful personalities are greatly enjoyed. We pray that God will bless each one of you for your service to and care for the poor.
Creation vs. Evolution Bro. June’s book “Creation vs. Evolution” is now available on Kindle and in paperback through Amazon. Check it out! ~Nancy Gentry Comments are closed.
January 2025
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