Onward into the new year we go. The Tax reporting papers for 2019 are completed and transmitted to the IRS and Social Security Departments (W-2s, 1099s, and 1098-Cs). The sales tax for last year has been paid. Our statistics for the year have been calculated—as you can see here in the center of the page. I was planning to insert our brochure with the updated statistics in it (and that will come next month, that is, unless I change my mind again). However, since February contains the celebration of what we call St. Valentine’s Day, which many people associate with love, I decided to use as the insert this month a tri-fold about love, written by Bro. June. In Chapter 13 of the Gospel according to John, he quotes Jesus as saying, “This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.” I most certainly want to know I am God’s friend. (I for sure do not want to be His enemy. So, because James 4:4 tells me that to be a friend of the world—participating in its forbidden pleasures—makes me an enemy of God, I must be very careful to keep my focus on things above. Reading God’s Word regularly, choosing to spend time with people who help me stay focused on the things of God, guarding my mind about what I read and view on movies, computers, and television, are just some of the ways I can protect my relationship with my Creator. Obedience to God is a choice, something we make ourselves do, not a naturally-occurring phenomenon. 2019 Total StatisticsNacogdoches Shelter Totals
Livingston Shelter Totals
Lufkin Shelter Totals
At GODTEL we love people by providing for their physical needs of food, shelter, and clothing, and for their spiritual needs with daily lessons from the Bible. In other words, we are making our Christianity practical.
As James Chapter 2 asks (paraphrased), “What good is it to say you have faith but you do not provide food to the hungry and clothes to those in need? … Faith without works is dead, of no value, without proof.” 1 Corinthians 13 ends with, “of faith, love, and hope, love is the greatest because it is the work or expression of a living faith in God. We like to reference John 14:15 to our staff and residents. It quotes Jesus saying, “If ye love Me, keep My commandments.” In other words, “If you love Me, DO what I say.” Be doers of the Word, not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. (James 1:22) Many Thanks Our deeply heartfelt thanks to each one of you who gives of yourself to lift us up in prayer or takes the time and makes the effort to come prepare and serve a meal at one of our missions or share some of the monetary blessings God has entrusted to your care. Your faithfulness is a source of blessing and encouragement to us all and helps enable us to continue to house the homeless and feed and clothe the needy as we share with them the good news that God loves them and that He has made a way for them to escape hell and to spend eternity in Heaven. God is love. Bro. June on YouTube Just a reminder that Bro. June’s weekly sermons are available on YouTube. So far, most of the New Testament books are included in these sermons. In the years since we began recording, our equipment has been upgraded so the quality of the newer recordings is greatly improved. Recent additions on YouTube are songs from the many Gospel Music Albums Bro. June has recorded. This process has just begun so check it out. If you hear something you like, albums are available and can be ordered directly from GODTEL. Also available from GODTEL are books about the scientific evidences supporting Creation, teachings on Faith by Bro. Manley Beasley, and other literature which can help with spiritual growth. In the next month or so Bro. June will have a new book out which is a commentary on the first eleven chapters of Genesis. It will be available directly from GODTEL or from Amazon. Speaking of ordering from Amazon, if you do much shopping there, you can go to Amazon Smile and choose to support GODTEL with a portion of your spending. We are listed as God’s Open Door To Eternal Life, Inc. Let us know if you need any help with the process. Until next month, my prayer is that we will all walk in love—praying for our enemies, returning good for evil, going that extra mile. Obedience is rewarding. Comments are closed.
January 2025
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