A few months back our newsletter insert was titled “Practical Atheism.” Last month I received a call from one of our supporters living in Nebraska requesting additional copies. He was concerned about some of the people in his church who claim to be Christians but their life choices do not glorify God. About that same time I spoke with a woman who requested prayer for her three grown children. She said they would all claim to be Christians but were living ungodly lives. Too many people are “taking the name of the Lord in vain.” They are calling themselves “Christians” but they are not doers of the Word and are deceiving themselves. (James 1:22) Sadly, many of the people we minister to at GODTEL claim to be God’s children and on their way to Heaven, but they are not producing “good” fruit. In our twice-daily Bible studies we try to help them understand the difference in “professing” to be a Christian and “possessing” a life-changing relationship with Jesus. Please pray with us that our message will get through to them in such a way that they are willing to quit telling themselves the comforting lie that they are Heaven bound (when they are not) and that they will truly submit all they are to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It May Not Be Manna, but ... We greatly appreciate all the donated food we receive at each of our shelters. Whether it is prepared leftovers from a special occasion or food in need of preparation, we are thankful. In one donation at the Nacogdoches mission last month we received 45 dozen eggs, several cases of breakfast sausage, and 7 cases of individual bottles of orange juice. We were able to share the bounty with our other two shelters. Our regular guest cooks are being faithful to bring us delicious meals and precious fellowship. We pray that God will bless them in wonderful ways for ministering to the poor we serve at GODTEL. Recently, our groundskeeper, Fred, decided to put his culinary skills to work for us and use some of the chicken we have been blessed with by Pilgrim’s and Tyson’s. He marinated the chicken overnight and cooked all day the next day (we are feeding around 50 people at our evening meals). On the menu was smoked chicken, potato salad, baked beans, and watermelon for dessert. He was exhausted at the end of the day and our residents finished the delicious meal with stuffed tummies and a smile on their faces. Thank you, Fred. We have had several groups from SFASU come volunteer at the Nacogdoches mission this fall. Members of “Curves” came three times to serve meals, a group from the SFA American Medical Student Association came to serve a meal, and a few others, along with the churches and business groups who come so faithfully. Thank you, all. KTRE-TV Food Drive
During the Piney Woods Fair, KTRE-TV conducted a canned food drive for local non-profit food pantries. Though GODTEL does not give away groceries, we serve on-site meals not only for our residents but for anyone who is hungry. Our pantry was getting rather empty so this food drive was extremely beneficial. Richard, Fred, and Stephanie went to the fair on opening night to help collect the cans as people arrived. The next day Richard took a crew back to pick up GODTEL’s share of the food which we are enjoying daily. Christmas Day Meal You are invited! We will have a Christmas Day Devotion and meal at each of our three missions, to which the public is welcome. Meal times are:
Just In Case You Missed the Memo Did you know that my dearly loved and very capable Office Assistant, Stephanie, is also my sister-in-law? She and Richard, our Nacogdoches Mission Manager (Bro. June’s brother) have exchanged vows before the Lord to serve Him as a married couple. Our Tuesday night Bible study teacher, Bro. John, made it official. We would appreciate your prayers for them because we know how difficult it can be to manage GODTEL and a family. ~Nancy Gentry Comments are closed.
January 2025
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