We are sincerely blessed by the many individuals, churches, and other groups who invest their time, money, and talents in serving the homeless individuals we minister to at GODTEL. The meals prepared and served by our guest cooks offer a variety of delicious foods to warm our tummies. The smiling faces of those volunteers warm our spirits and we are extremely grateful for the encouragement.
Each year the Kroger Company sponsors a “Super Bowl of Caring” leading up to the Super Bowl football spectacular. This was another “bonanza” year as GODTEL was the recipient of 1,300 food boxes and bags purchased by shoppers at the two Kroger stores in Nacogdoches. In Livingston, the Lions Club has again presented a generous donation to GODTEL to help house and feed the homeless and in Nacogdoches the Kiwanis Club is again going to prepare us a pancake and sausage supper as they gear up for the annual Blueberry Festival (held in June). What’s a C.H.C.? CHC stands for Christian Help Center of which GODTEL operates two—one in Nacogdoches and one in Livingston. This is where we thankfully receive and freely distribute a wide variety of donated items including clothing, furniture, and household and personal items. Hours of operation are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings from 9:00 to 11:30. In each location we have a devoted woman in charge: Jackie Haley in Nacogdoches and Benita Woodmansee in Livingston. These ladies amaze me with their boundless energy and drive and their organizational skills. I thank God for their willingness to carry this load. In December Mrs. Jackie picked up the proceeds of canned food drives held at the Dollar General Store on South Street in Nacogdoches. The Stallings Drive store also held a canned food drive for GODTEL. Thank you, Dollar General. At GODTEL and in our C.H.C. there is a constant in-and-out flow of food, people, clothes, furniture, and products. We are thankful to be a part of God’s chain of supply, making provision for the poor. GODTEL Does Not Solicit We recently became aware of a group of individuals soliciting donations in front of the Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market on University Drive in Nacogdoches. That is not necessarily a problem. However, their sign said it was to help the “local” homeless shelter, of which GODTEL is the only one in town—and we don’t solicit. As soon as I learned of this situation, I went to the store and spoke with the manager on duty and assured her that GODTEL does not go door-to-door and we do not solicit donations from in front of stores or in any public place. I was gratified to learn that she had already discovered that the representative of this group had not been forthcoming about where they were from (they were not local to Nacogdoches) and she had told them not to return. So, please, if someone knocks on your door or approaches you in public asking for a donation for GODTEL, do not give them money. Kindly confront them with the truth—that you know GODTEL does not obtain funds in that manner and pray for them. Property Donation As last year ended a man donated two rent houses to the Nacogdoches mission, and since we do not particularly want to be in the Landlord business, the Board of Directors voted to put them up for sale. We were delighted that only a few weeks went by before we had a buyer. The funds generated from this sale will enable us to build metal awnings over our sidewalks and patios protecting from the sun and rain. Something to Ponder Here is a rather profound quote from C.S. Lewis I read recently: “Mercy, detached from Justice, grows unmerciful.” Think about it. Comments are closed.
January 2025
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