“This is my commandment, that you love one another, as I have loved you. Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:12 & 13
So You'll Know: January 2017 1st-22 people 31st–22 people Total helped-56 people Praise the Lord! January 2017. Thirty-one days down and 334 to go. Resolutions. Promises. Commitments. What’s in your horizon? EMPLOYMENT REPORT: New jobs-8 Still working-5 Praise the Lord! “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such is no law.” Galatians 5:22 & 23 We had twenty two people join us for the arrival of the new year. Even though we were bringing in the new year by staying up until 10:00 pm the residents were all snug in their beds by 9:30 pm. We had a lot of folks coming and going this past month. We have the privilege to help a veteran who lives out of town. He comes to Lufkin, spends the night at GODTEL and rides the bus to the Houston VA hospital for his medical appointments. A small price to pay for his service to this country. Our guest cooks didn’t have to make new resolutions. They put on their chef hats and continued to perform their culinary talents. This past month we had a double helping of hamburgers and fries and pizza. Mexican casserole, baked chicken, barbeque sandwiches and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches rounded out the month’s talents of our guest cooks. Jimmy checked in to GODTEL in May of 2016. We got to know him as the months passed. He had lived a rough life, spending many years in prison. It was obvious that he was not healthy enough to go out and look for a job. He started doing laundry for us. He even helped Roger feed and water the chickens and gather the eggs. His body kept retaining fluid and soon Jimmy was going to the hospital on a regular basis to be drained. He would feel good for a few days and then be weighed down with the extra fluid in his body. He, also, made several trips to the hospital and stayed several days each time. Weaker and weaker he got. Jimmy died early this month. I don’t mean to be depressing or graphic. I told Martin that I was tired of having residents die. God is so good. He reminded me that Jimmy was loved and cared for at GODTEL. He heard the gospel twice a day. He assured Martin that he had a personal relationship with the Lord and he would land in heaven when he died. The best part, on this side of heaven, is the reconciliation with his brother before he passed on. Thank you, Lord, for bringing Jimmy to our doorstep. We have had quite a few women in the dorm this past month. Sometimes you get a group who gets along and works together. But not this time. As soon as Jo (not her real name) arrived the complaining and bickering and fighting started. Several times during the day she came to us about another resident wanting immediate action against said accused. With love and gentleness we tried to listen and calm her down. She could not drop the issue even after it was resolved. One evening it came to a head as Jo and another woman were cussing and fighting. They were threatening each other on the smoke deck. Ash cans were flying as the conflict escalated. One of the women picked up a small table to throw at the other. One of the men on the deck was able to stop her from throwing it. And the fight was stopped. Martin, Joseph, Roger and I spent time hearing all sides of the story about what happened. We told the two women to go to bed and not talk to each other. I am glad they were not room mates. We decided both women had to leave. And they did the next day. Amanda and David met at GODTEL. They hooked up with each other. Sadly it happens frequently. They were missing meals. They were late to Bible study and curfew. One night they missed curfew altogether. In the morning we found out that they had cut a new screen in the men’s dorm and climbed in. They stayed the night in the same room, in the same bed. They, too, were told to leave. As sad and frustrating as it is we can definitely say that it is NEVER boring around here. We know God IS in control and He is ALWAYS good. As times passes we can even have a laugh or two about it all. The praises for the month include 8 new jobs and Jessica applying for and being accepted to attend the spring session of The Mosaic Center. But, alas, Jessica moved out so she could go to class and still work. She had money saved and found a small place to stay. Way to go, Jessica! On a personal note, our son and grandson went to Niger, Africa on a mission trip. They left January 25th and returned February 8th. Our prayers started as plans were made for the trip. We asked for hearts to be prepared on the missionary side as well as those receiving the good news of Jesus. We have a preliminary report from our son. He is still feeling the jet lag. Blaine (grandson) is 13 years old. No stories from him yet. He had to jump back into school and assignments as soon as he returned. There is a picture of Blaine on a camel. I know this mission trip will be locked into his heart for his whole life. It will be fun seeing the fruit from this journey. “How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, Who brings glad tidings of good things!” Romans 10:14-15 Our granddaughter, Emily, had a very important birthday. She is three years old and such a big girl. My daughter says I am “such a grandma”. Yes, I am. God has blessed us with four wonderful grandchildren. They are all amazing and beautiful and perfect (almost) and geniuses. Just ask me and I will tell you so. Thank you so very much for your support this past month. I can’t think of a better set of partners than you in our service in HIS ministry at GODTEL Ministries. Remember your sweethearts. Remember our past presidents on their day. And remember our current president in your prayers. No matter your politics we are encouraged to pray for our leaders. (1 Timothy 1&2) Pray for wisdom, discernment, patience and mercy for GODTEL missionaries as we share and show God’s love at all three locations. Nacogdoches~Lufkin~Livingston Because of Him we serve, Martin and Mary Baker |
January 2025
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